Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What Happened to Heroes?

 From Culturcidal:

Our society has mostly moved on from embracing heroes who are genuinely good people with rock-solid moral codes to violent, “cool” men of action who may not be good people, but who have a few good traits and are on the side of the angels in whatever particular story we may be watching at the moment.

So, what does this reveal about us? What does this transformation of what it means to be a hero tell us about Americans?

Quite a lot actually.

You see, the heroes we want to see up on the big screen have changed because WE’VE CHANGED.

Our culture used to be homogenous. Now it’s fractured. We used to put a high value on morality. We no longer do. We used to have a strong sense of right and wrong that was generally shared across our society. Now, a large part of the population has cobbled together their own personal moral code that usually seems to justify whatever they do. We used to believe that it was important that what went up on the Silver Screen should help make people better. (Read more.)

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