Thursday, April 20, 2023

Your Habit Of Apologizing Too Much Could Be A Sign Of A Bigger Issue

They are not referring here to a simple apology as demanded by justice or courtesy, but the constant habit of over-apologizing by someone who is trying their best to do what is right. From The Zoe Report:

"Over-apologizing reveals an unhealed wound from the past," Pharaon says. So understanding why you do it in the first place is a key part of the healing process. To do so, she recommends getting curious about the origins of the habit by asking yourself: What does it try to protect me from? In what ways has apologizing kept me safe or gotten me something I wanted or needed in the past?

"That understanding becomes the gateway to changing your relationship with the apologizing, and ultimately leads you to feeling more empowered and confident," Pharaon says. "As you begin to unpack what over-apologizing serves, you can start to use apologies when needed and stand in your confidence in the other moments." (Read more.)


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