The little girl, who lived so long, was eventually to become one of the great stars of the British monarchical show. Hitler allegedly called her the "most dangerous woman in Europe," because of the job she did in bolstering British morale during the terrible years of the Blitz. Her admiring biographer, William Shawcross, wrote of her, "The core of her popularity and the major feature of the second half of her life was surely her permanence, both in her principles and in the pattern of her life. As she grew older, she showed great courage in not allowing the infirmities of her years to compel her into retirement. There was something immensely reassuring in her insistence on carrying out her commitments year after year, and the stamina which enabled her to do so. Britain changed enormously but she remained constant. This had particular resonance for all those who were feeling rudderless in the wake of the immense social upheavals of the late twentieth century. Her high spirits and her love of traditions and the quirkiness of Britain were an inspiration to millions." (Read entire post.)Share
The Last Judgment
4 days ago
Of all the events of her life, what impressed me most was seeing the Queen Mother at the celebrations for her hundredth birthday when she stood to greet every float that passed her in the parade. The event continued for a long time and, with no evidence of being tired or bored, she smiled at everyone and displayed not only remarkable stamina but also a genuine love for the people and appreciation for their efforts. Her daughter clearly displays the same appreciation and stamina, as is evidence by her tireless participation in all the Jubilee celebrations, including her tour of Britain. (She even came to Leeds a couple of weeks ago and, of course, received a good Yorkshire welcome!)
Thank you for the link.
Epitomizes the British 'stiff upper lip', and yes indeed, one sees the same traits in the present Queen. There is no sympathy for the 'weeping, and wailing and gnashing of teeth' approach.
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