Saturday, April 28, 2007

Archbishop Chaput on History

I promised my husband that I would try to be more restrained in my quantity of posting but this speech by Archbishop Chaput on the "Common Good" is so incredible, I am compelled to share it.

Christianity and Judaism see life very differently [from atheism.] For both of them, history is a place of human decision. At every moment of our lives, we're asked to choose for good or for evil. Therefore, time has weight. It has meaning. The present is vitally important as the instant that will never come again; the moment where we are not determined by outside forces but self-determined by our free will. Our past actions make us who we are today. But each "today" also offers us another chance to change our developing history. The future is the fruit of our past and present choices, but it's always unknown, because each successive moment presents us with a new possibility. Share


Anonymous said...

Oh, so true. If only our current leadership were more wise than wily our country would not be striding into the future with arrogant stupidity.

elena maria vidal said...

Yes, indeed!

elena maria vidal said...

Dear Anonymous,

I would love to publish your comment but I need to have a salon name or website or some indication of who you are and if I know you....