Sunday, March 27, 2011

Victoria and Abdul

A review by Genevieve Kineke. To quote:
 Much has been made of the companionship between Queen Victoria and gillie John Brown, not the least of which was the movie Her Majesty, Mrs Brown. But recently recovered letters add depth to the already curious story concerning another man who significantly impacted her life. That would be an Indian fellow brought to the palace from overseas (though “intense relationship” may overstate the case somewhat).
 More HERE and HERE.



anothertwocents said...

Abdul, or Abd-el, "servant of," is only a part of some Arabic names, the other part of which are one of the names of God or "Allah." Abdel-Karim, for example, would be "Servant of the Most Generous," Abdul-Aziz "Servant of the Almighty."

Julygirl said...

More proof that 'Victorian' did not come from Victoria, but from Albert.