Thursday, August 8, 2013

Les Grands Paniers

Here are several wide gowns that I found on Pinterest:

Court dress, 1785, Les Arts Decoratifs

According to Vive la Reine this is the grape cluster gown from the 1938 film Marie-Antoinette
La Reine
Grande Robe Française

Robe à la Française, Brocaded Silk & Silver Lamé. French, ca 1775

Court Skirt & Train associated with Queen Marie Antoinette of France c. 1775 Silk Brocade & Embroidery Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection

Antoinette and Louis?


1 comment:

julygirl said...

I can see that the Revolution put lots of dressmakers, tailors and silk merchants out of business. Must have made quite an impact on the economy.