Saturday, March 19, 2011

Medallions of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette

Rare medallions depicting Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette from A Private Collection. More HERE and HERE. To quote:
Stop, stop accusing me: time, circumstances and a thousand causes, which would take a long time to explain, are responsible for the misfortunes of France. It's very cruel to reproach me for them.
~Excerpt of a letter from Louis XVI, dated 7th September 1789.

Inscription: Marie-Antoinette d'Autriche Reine de France 1774 (Marie Antoinette of Austria Queen of France 1774)


Katherine B. said...

That excerpt is so true! He spoke right from the heart. I just wish that people understood that that was the truth. Very nice medallions, too!

May said...

I understand the frustration with the " thousand causes, which would take a long time to explain". There are many similar events in history, which people over-simplify but which are often very difficult and complicated to explain properly.

Julygirl said...

How poignant!

lara77 said...

Those words of King Louis XVI struck such a nerve; he had the misfortune to be King of France when all the injustices of the past caught up with the present in late 18th century France. I will always believe in my heart he wanted what was best for France. He was human in his limitations; one man against centuries of injustice. Yet, I know as many of your readers that he was one of the kindest, most gentle and good men that ever sat on the Throne of France.