Tuesday, July 10, 2007

One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic

The Holy Father reaffirmed today that there is only one true Church. The Washington Post reacts in shock, surprise and horror. (Thanks, Elisa, for the links!) It is really kind of funny that they are so upset by a Pope saying what, as Vicar of Christ, he is supposed to say. Share


Anonymous said...

Isn't our Holy Father wonderful? I am so happy that he has further clarified this issue. True ecumenical efforts involve telling the truth in love - not sugar coating politically correct warmed over platitudes.

The Protestant responses in the articles only serve to show how very correct the Holy Father is. They just don't get it, bless their hearts.

I pray that they will stop being so 'wounded', 'hurt' and insulted and take a moment to think about what the Holy Father and our Mother Church are saying. They, like I was, might be inspired to learn more about the faith.

Anonymous said...

it's amazing to me... this pope has done so much in the last week to repair 40 years of damage...God grant Benedict a long life!

Terry Nelson said...

Just let people try to tell me they are more Catholic than the Pope now - impossible!

Thank God for our Holy Father!

elena maria vidal said...

He said his reign would be short. But he is someone who does not need a whole lot of time in which to get things done....

elena maria vidal said...

Margaret and Terry, I agree.

Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that so many are upset by this statement by the Pope. It is, after all, what the Catholic Church has always taught.

As Christopher Orr mentioned over on his blog, after linking to a BBC article about Protestants being upset over this news:

"So, some Protestants find the enunciation of the traditional Roman Catholic position offensive? Duh. So, the Pope has restated what the Roman Catholic church has always taught, and implicitly believed regardless of all of the touchy-feeliness of the last 30-40 years? Duh.

Headlines: Pope is Catholic. Fish are Wet. Sky is Blue."


I am an Orthodox Christian and I was not at all offended or upset by what the Pope said. I am happy for the many Catholics who will now be able to attend Latin Mass!

elena maria vidal said...

I know, really. The Pope is Catholic. Surprise, surprise!