
Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Return of Decency

Elisa, one of the regular readers of this blog, sent me an article from The Washington Post about young ladies choosing modest, classic clothing over skimpy attire. To quote:

William Strauss, co-author of "Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation," said teenagers are faced with the opposite social problem of their baby boomer parents. They are growing up at a time when sex is talked about freely -- perhaps too freely.

"Modesty is a reaction against the sexualization of the culture, including fashion," he said. "What tends to happen in history is generations correct for what they perceive to be the major excesses of previous generations. . . . They're trying to reestablish a zone of privacy."


  1. Finally and THANK GOD! Yes, I think a return to privacy is absolutely necessary! We can't live our lives wide open like we do - it cheapens everything!


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