Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Trending or Tradition?

 From Crisis:

The two essential components of the parent-child relationship are attachment and orientation. Attachment begins in infancy with tangible practices such as rocking and carrying. If all goes well, attachment to parents grows and progresses with the child beyond the physical to include emotional and psychological attachment that can withstand temporary physical separation. Healthy attachment need not be limited to parents; it can expand to include grandparents and other trusted caregivers and teachers. Within the context of attachment, children naturally take their cues from adults and respond to discipline.

The related concept of orientation describes children’s need to make sense of the world and their need to be shown how to grow up. In the normal course of development, children’s inner compasses point to their parents for answers to these questions; that proper orientation, however, is by no means guaranteed. Like attachment, orientation must be solidly established and actively maintained. Orienting your child can be accomplished by major things such as modeling healthy communication with your spouse and by seemingly minor things such as telling your child what to expect from a new place where you are going. (Read more.)


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