Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump Hate Is Not Enough

 From Conrad Black at American Greatness:

Joe Biden is a pallid effigy unable to utter complete sentences without requesting the approach of the teleprompter or querying what is coming through his earpiece, even when answering questions his staff has clearly prepared and given to tame journalists from the Democratic networks and newspapers. His press secretary, rejoicing in a name that would have done credit to Dickens, T.J. Ducklo, acknowledged that Biden was reading answers to supposedly spontaneous questions off a teleprompter by aggressively declining to answer the question from Fox News anchor Bret Baier because Baier was “channeling” the allegations of the Trump campaign.

While Biden addresses audiences of fewer than 20 people, and most of those audiences are comprised of aides and technicians, the official and media Democratic campaign shrieks indignantly that the president is a COVID-19 “super-spreader” when he addresses many thousands of people who flock to the nation’s airports to hear him as he hopscotches around the country. The Biden campaign medical advisor accused the president of “negligent homicide” for speaking to large and mainly mask-less live audiences (though no one died). (Read more.)


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