Friday, April 17, 2020

Some Advice From C.S. Lewis

From The Federalist:
The first enemy is “excitement”—or, I might say, distraction. The news can overwhelm our thoughts and feelings with excitement or anxiety, paralyzing our studies. It’s hard to focus with so much going on. 
If this was a problem in 1939, it seems even more so today as ubiquitous smart tech offers easy access to a 24-hour news cycle about a rapidly evolving, global pandemic. Watching events unfold in the past weeks has been like watching a slow-motion car wreck. It’s been difficult to look away, to do anything else but watch. 
Lewis’ advice is to look to history: at a minimum, it will help restrain “your nerves and emotions” from leading you to think that “your present predicament is more abnormal than it really is.” “Human life has always been lived on the edge of a precipice,” says Lewis. Even seemingly “normal” eras are “full of cries, alarms, difficulties, emergencies.” 
More importantly, history reveals generation after generation of human beings searching for knowledge and beauty under the shadow of imminent danger. Says Lewis: “Men propound mathematical theorems in beleaguered cities, conduct metaphysical arguments in condemned cells, make jokes on scaffold, discuss the last new poem while advancing to the walls of Quebec, and comb their hair at Thermopylae. This is not panache; it is our nature.” (Read more.)


AA said...

Dear friend and sister:
You have been such a blessing to me with your writing. You truly defend the Faith and promote faith, hope and charity. You are far more advanced than I, yet you have helped to bring me to the door of the Church. I don't know how best to contact you. I know I have offended you and I take full responsibility. I was totally wrong to do so. I am here humbled before you. I know I have an intellectual pride and too quickness at times to speak and these are grave faults for the healing of which I pray our Lord and Lady and ask your prayers as well. Other than not to be angry with me, I ask nothing, and I willingly offer any other satisfaction in my power.

elena maria vidal said...

Thank you, that is very kind. I can be contacted on Twitter @emvidal. Send me a private message.

elena maria vidal said...

I am not angry with you, I assure you.