Tuesday, April 21, 2020

No Comparison

I left a comment on this article asking that Madame Speaker Pelosi not be compared with Marie-Antoinette. The Queen never said "Let them eat cake." She was deeply aware of the plight of the people which is why she organized clothing drives and distributed blankets, took in unwed mothers and orphans, and made a priority of feeding the hungry, all of which is documented. She was killed because she was a Catholic Queen and the Revolution wanted to overthrow the Church and the monarchy. Here is what Marie-Antoinette really said: "It is quite certain that in seeing the people who treat us so well despite their own misfortune, we are more obliged than ever to work hard for their happiness." More HERE, HERE and HERE.



julygirl said...

Tragic how fake history can malign the character of a person the same as fake news does today. Today many people seem to be hard wired to believe anything printed in newspapers, but at the same time people are getting wise to the lies.

May said...

These women are like night and day ! I can’t believe the cake quote is still making the rounds. Surely by now people should know better!

elena maria vidal said...

I know, really. Yet all they have to do is check Wikipedia.

elena maria vidal said...

Yes, Julygirl. And they try to say that they are similar because they are both "women of privilege." Really? Marie-Antoinette's father was the Holy Roman Emperor; Nancy's was mayor of Baltimore. I mean, come on....