Friday, July 26, 2019

"There Is No Mueller Report"

 From The Conservative Review:
Wednesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin explained that the only takeaway from former special counsel Robert Mueller’s congressional hearing is that the real author of the 400-page Mueller report appears to be Andrew Weissmann.

“I want to thank the Democrat Party today for this hearing — actually two hearings,” Levin said. “I want to thank them, because they just killed impeachment. See, this was an impeachment trial. They used to call them ‘the best and the brightest.’ Now they’re the worst and the dumbest. Unbelievable. Robert Mueller. I’m not going to mock him, as they would mock him if he were testifying for the other side, but what you saw today … was a fraud, a ruse, that has been perpetrated against the American people. There is no Mueller report. It’s a Weissmann report. There is no Mueller special counsel. It was the Weissmann special counsel. Weissmann. And this little bastard — that’s right, I said it! — Weissmann, who destroyed Arthur Andersen and 80,000 jobs — in a 9-0 decision, Supreme Court, that reversed him on this very issue of obstruction of justice. He’s the invisible hand that’s been behind the whole damn thing, from day one. … This wasn’t a special counsel office; this wasn’t an office of prosecutors. This was an office of Democrat activists who happen to be attorneys in the government. And they had the power to use criminal law and processes and tools to advance a political agenda, even though they failed. That’s why they were so hot to get Manafort.” (Read more.)

On July 24, 2019, during a congressional hearing, Robert Mueller appeared to be either ill or highly medicated. From The Federalist:
Robert Mueller, in his current state, should not have been allowed to supervise the Russia collusion investigation.  But the greater question is, how long has Robert Mueller been like this? The regulation on the appointment of a Special Counsel provides that the person named as the Special Counsel “shall be a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decision making, and with appropriate experience to ensure both that the investigation will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial decisions will be supported by an informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government.”  The regulation further provides that the Special Counsel’s responsibilities “shall take first precedence in their professional lives, and that it may be necessary to devote their full time to the investigation, depending on its complexity and the stage of the investigation.” (Read more.)

 From David Harsanyi:
If Democrats believed that Robert Mueller would provide them with additional ammunition for an impeachment inquiry, they made an extraordinary miscalculation. Not only was Mueller often flustered and unprepared to talk about his own report—we now have wonder to what extent he was even involved in the day-to-day work of the investigation—but he was needlessly evasive. In the end, he seriously undermined the central case for impeachment of President Donald Trump. The often-distracted Mueller didn’t seem to know much about anything. The very first Republican to question him, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Doug Collins, forced Mueller to correct his own opening statement. In it, the former FBI director had asserted that the independent counsel “did not address collusion, which is not a legal term.” (Read more.)

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