Sunday, April 14, 2019

Happiness and Religion

From Southern Living:
The results of a recent Pew Research Center studythis link opens in a new tab only deepen the mystery of faith and its impact on our well-being. According to new research, people who are active members of a religious community are more likely to describe themselves as “very happy” than those without strong religious ties. After analyzing data from 35 countries including the United States, Pew researchers concluded that participation in a religious community of any form is “clearly” linked with higher levels of happiness and civic engagement.

“Actively religious people in the U.S. are more likely to say they are very happy, that they vote in national elections and that they’re more engaged in community life in the sense that they belong to at least one nonreligious organization,” explainedthis link opens in a new tab Conrad Hackett, associate director for research and senior demographer for Pew Research Center. (Read more.)

From The Christian Post:
In a classic article at Touchstone, Robbie Low describes stunning research by Swiss demographers that compares families in which one parent, both, or neither regularly attended church. In households where only the mother went to services every week, a minuscule 2-3 percent of children grew up to do the same. In households where both father and mother attended, that number jumped to 33 percent of their children, with a further 41 percent coming to church irregularly. Only a quarter of kids whose mom and dad both made church a priority dropped out entirely. Clearly, dad makes a difference.
But here’s where the research got kind of strange. In families where only the father attended church regularly, the percentage of children following his example was actually higher than in families where both parents faithfully showed up on Sunday. As many as 44 percent of children whose fathers regularly attended church but mothers never did, followed in their dad’s footsteps. And that’s not counting those who became irregular churchgoers. (Read more.)

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