Saturday, January 5, 2019

Making Men

From Knights of the Holy Eucharist:
Without a grounding, a placement, a sense of one’s history and identity we can lose sight of the “great trajectory” and the living-stream of grace and sacrifice passed on from our parents, and grandparents, and all generations that have gone before us marked with the sign of faith. A gift given by hidden hands precisely for that one crucial moment when we must choose the good! When youth realize that faith has bought them a moment of freedom so they may choose to love. That is a confirmation moment. 
And there it is again, that word – confirmation. 
For us Catholics the great sacrament of Confirmation is often seen as a rite of passage, a wellspring to an adult life, a mature Christian life, where our baptism is crowned by the light of the Holy Spirit. We are readied for battle, to become the Lord’s knights, and make of ourselves a great oblation for the kingdom, as Christ did for us. 
But is this really what Confirmation is? 
Does not the Roman rite share with the eastern rite (the Oriental Churches) as normative that the sacraments of baptism, the Holy Eucharist, and confirmation can be taken together at a very early age to help the soul drink deeply of the sacramental wellspring, well before a child reaches early teens and grade 8? I had heard this before. But if true how would or how could this spiritual triple run help our youth, especially our young men, to become real men? (Read more.)

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