Sunday, January 31, 2010

Party of Four

Book reviews of bios of classic film stars by David Thomson. I don't know if I agree with everything he says about Bette but it sounds like an intriguing series.


Julygirl said...

Very insightful reviews. I also have mixed feelinga about Gary Cooper. I read a biography of Cary Grant and Grant complained that he always played runner up to Cooper when their studio was casting. Of course over time Cary Grant has become much more of a screen icon than Cooper, possibly due to Alfred Hitchcock choosing him for what have now become classic films.

Unknown said...

Bette Davis was always one of my very top actors for a long time. She was superb before the cameras. Unfortunately, while she was a guest on a show hosted by Joan Rivers, Bette said she had had an abortion and has no regrets about it. While she says she was a virgin when she first married, she believes there's "nothing wrong with having sex before you get married. Sad! I lost a great deal of respect for her, but then I guess I never knew what she believed before.

elena maria vidal said...

Bette had an abortion! That does not surprise me. No wonder she drank. Yes, I saw that interview where she said she thought there was nothing wrong with having sex outside of marriage. Foolish woman. I hope she fund peace at the end, especially after her daughter wrote that book.

I don't let the private lives of film stars get in the way of my appreciation of their work, if the work is good. Our problem today is that we look to actors and actresses for guidance on how we should live our lives. Big mistake.

Thanks for the info.