Saturday, January 16, 2010

Andrea's Bookshelf

My sister Andrea has a special display of all four of my books at her house, including a little book I made in second grade. It was at Gaithersburg Elementary; all the second graders were supposed to dictate a story and then illustrate it.

The story was called We Like Apples. It was about the apple tree in our backyard at 1 Montgomery Avenue in Gaithersburg, Maryland. There was a rope swing on the tree and nearby was an old shack that my parents had turned into a play house. It was an old rented house in a neighborhood full of tall trees and Catholic families with lots of children. There was always something going on and we ran from house to house, never lacking playmates. It was a different time and a happy one.

The sun in the drawing above reminds me of the miracle at Fatima although I had not heard of Fatima at the time. I have no idea why I drew a swirling sun with a cross in it.
It is amazing that my sister has kept my little book for so many years ago. I thought it was gone forever. But Andrea is good at hanging on to family memorabilia. Share


Julygirl said...

What a loving thing to do! She must be very proud of you as I am sure you are of her, and rightly so.

Anonymous said...

What a kind sister!
And, I love your drawing. :>

Julygirl said...

That is an interesting observation regarding the way you drew the sun.

Alexandra said...

I have a special place in my heart for children's art and your book is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this very special treasure.

I'm saving my son's stories as well...he keeps a journal full of them. :)

Duffmordaz S.A. said...

hi, i like your blog is asome thanks

Hola me gusta tu blog es maravilloso, me gustan tus ilustraciones gracias

Enbrethiliel said...


I think it's wonderful that she saved them!

From an English major's point of view, I add that now you have juvenalia for scholars to peruse in a hundred years! ;)

Anonymous said...

A sister's love, in action!